Our Doctors
Our Doctors
DX3 5517

Dr. Staffan Holbeck

Consultant Anesthesiologist
Language Spoken


Dr. Holbeck is a Consultant in Anesthesiology and the Head of the Department of Anesthesia, licensed to practice in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden with significant practical experience from Sweden and the UK. 

He began work as a Specialist and later as a Consultant within the Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, at Lund University, Sweden. Later he became a Consultant in Anesthesiology, at the Newham University Hospital, Newham, UK, a position he held for nine years.  

Dr. Holbeck is published in several international medical journals and was the co-organizer of the 2003 National Course in General Intensive Care for Residents at the former hospital. 



Awards & Accreditations

Awarded Pharmalink’s Annual Research Award; Earned accreditation as Specialist of Anesthesia and Intensive Care in Sweden 

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