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Patients & Visitors

Facilities & Services

In addition to outstanding medical outcomes, we are equally committed to providing five-star service to our patients. Comfort and convenience are fundamentals of your experience at Healthpoint.

Patient Portal Service

Your medical history is now at your fingertips. Our Patient Portal Service provides quick and easy access for our patients to retrieve their medical records, view hospital visit history, medicinal information, procedures, and schedule appointments.

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Patients & Visitors

  • Insurance
    Insurance Partners

    We partner with a number of health insurers to offer healthcare coverage for our patients.

  • Pin
    Location & Operating hours

    Conveniently located in Abu Dhabi Zayed Sports City, Healthpoint is easily accessible and can be reached by public transport or car.

  • Support
    Facilities & Services

    We are committed to providing five-star service to our patients.

  • Information
    Request Information

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