Family Medicine

Family Medicine

Healthpoint’s Family Medicine physicians focus on general healthcare for people of all ages, from newborns to seniors. As primary care physicians, they deliver a range of acute, chronic, and preventive medical care services.

Our team focuses on developing long-term patient-physician relationships to deliver integrated and holistic care based on high quality, evidence-based medicine. Family Medicine physicians often work closely with other subspecialists when required, to ensure the best level of care is maintained. 

Services offered include:

Management and treatment of chronic diseases and conditions, including:

Treatment of acute conditions, including:

Our clinic offers packages for complete check-ups. For more information about any of the packages, please contact us.

Screening Packages at Healthpoint

Our Specialist Doctors

  • DX3 5612
    Dr. Hani Ali Jaber

    Consultant Family Medicine

    Dr. Hani Ali Jaber

    Consultant Family Medicine

    Language Spoken
    en ar
  • Imad Salman
    Dr. Imad Salman

    Consultant Family Medicine

    Dr. Imad Salman

    Consultant Family Medicine

    Language Spoken
    en ar
  • Silhouette Avatar
    Dr. Luma Abboud

    Consultant Family Medicine

    Dr. Luma Abboud

    Consultant Family Medicine

    Language Spoken
    en ar
  • DX3 6908
    Dr. Nadia Mohamed Zaidan

    Consultant Family Medicine

    Dr. Nadia Mohamed Zaidan

    Consultant Family Medicine

    Language Spoken
    ar en

Patients & Visitors

  • Insurance
    Insurance Partners

    We partner with a number of health insurers to offer healthcare coverage for our patients.

  • Pin
    Location & Operating hours

    Conveniently located in Abu Dhabi Zayed Sports City, Healthpoint is easily accessible and can be reached by public transport or car.

  • Support
    Facilities & Services

    We are committed to providing five-star service to our patients.

  • Information
    Request Information

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