Senior Citizens Health

Senior Citizens Health

Senior Citizen Health specializes in providing tailored care for elderly patients who may be feeling disoriented and fragile or suffer from other chronic diseases, to deliver a better quality of life as we age. Our specialist doctors have a wealth of experience, additional qualifications, and knowledge in caring for patients over the age of 60 offering complete a health check to achieve healthy aging.

About the Senior Citizens Health Program

Our specialist doctors have put together a comprehensive Senior Citizens Health Program tailored for those over the age of 60 including an in-depth 40-minute assessment focused on understanding you and your unique situation. The Senior Citizen Health Program provides tailored care with a multidisciplinary approach focused on healthy aging, keeping active and healthy as you age.

Core concepts of this are health promotion, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. As we age, we can experience health complaints and diseases, which create unique outcomes in each person. Quite often conditions may be missed in your usual hospital appointments due to atypical presentations. The Senior Health Team put all the pieces of the individual puzzle together, to support aging well, and living better for longer.

Common symptoms to look out for

Improve and maintain health through prevention and early detection

It is not always easy to bounce back following illness or injury. Around 10% of people aged 60 and above will have this condition, known as Frailty, that figure raises with age resulting in around 25-50% of those over the age of 85 with Frailty. People with this condition are more vulnerable to illness, trauma and surgery, which impacts overall quality of life. The Senior Citizens Health Team will work with patients and families to improve or maintain health, providing access to a team of experts. If, or when, problems do arise, quick action should be taken to reduce longer-term consequences and the Senior Citizens Health Team will work to create an action plan in place should this occur.

Advocates for Senior Citizens

Whilst healthcare professionals all strive to provide the optimal healthcare solution and experience, Senior Citizens Health Consultants can liaise with a range of different specialists on several specific diseases to advice on the best overall solution and outcome for disease management and treatment. A relative or carer of a senior citizen who has declined physically, mentally, or functionally but is not aware of it or able to seek help by themselves, is encouraged to accompany them to one of our clinics. We are also experienced in providing solutions for carer fatigue and stress.

Multidisciplinary Team

If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to our Senior Citizens Health Team by calling 800 42532.

Patients & Visitors

  • Insurance
    Insurance Partners

    We partner with a number of health insurers to offer healthcare coverage for our patients.

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    Location & Operating hours

    Conveniently located in Abu Dhabi Zayed Sports City, Healthpoint is easily accessible and can be reached by public transport or car.

  • Support
    Facilities & Services

    We are committed to providing five-star service to our patients.

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