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Dr. Fahim is a Consultant in Orthopedic Surgery at Healthpoint. The British national specializes in knee surgery and is trained in several subspecialties, gaining extensive experience in trauma, knee and hip arthroplasty, arthroscopic surgery of the knee, and sports injury management.
Dr. Fahim gained his Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) degree from King Edward Medical University, Lahore, Pakistan, and is a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons (FRCS). He also holds a Master’s Degree in from the University of London.
Dr. Fahim received his title of Master Surgeon after being bestowed ‘Surgeon of Excellence’ in Orthopedic Surgery and Minimal Invasive Surgery by the Surgical Review Corporation, in the United States, in December 2020.
Dr. Fahim spent his early career in London working at Watford General Hospital and Royal National Hospital, Stanmore, both run by the UK’s National Health Service (NHS); and St. Vincent Hospital, Pinner, London.
Surgeon of Excellence in Orthopedic, Joint Replacement and Minimally Invasive Surgery from Surgical Review Corporation (SRC)
We partner with a number of health insurers to offer healthcare coverage for our patients.
Conveniently located in Abu Dhabi Zayed Sports City, Healthpoint is easily accessible and can be reached by public transport or car.
We are committed to providing five-star service to our patients.
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Enter your height and weight using metric or imperial measurements
Your BMI is
Less than 18.5
You may be more likely to develop certain health problems such as:
18.5 - 24.9
You have a healthy weight and a low risk of developing health problems
25 - 29.9
You have a healthy weight and a low risk of developing health problems
Over 30
30.0 - 34.9 - HIGH RISK
35.0 - 39.9 - VERY HIGH RISK
Over 40
You are at high risk to develop health problems related to weight such as: