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Our Doctors
Shimas Saleh

Dr. Shimas Salih

Consultant – Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
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Dr. Shimas Salih is a highly experienced consultant in Musculoskeletal, Sport, Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. He joined Healthpoint in 2022, bringing over 15 years of experience from various roles in the United Kingdom.

Dr. Salih completed his bachelor’s degree in medicine and surgery at Anbar University, Iraq, in 2004. After graduating, he moved to the United Kingdom to further his medical career. He trained in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation in the Northwestern region of England, where he gained specialized expertise. He is certified by the European Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and holds a fellowship from the British Faculty of Sports and Exercise Medicine. Additionally, Dr. Salih has earned multiple postgraduate qualifications in Musculoskeletal, Sports, and Exercise Medicine in the United Kingdom.

Dr. Salih is also a diplomate member of the American Board of Regenerative Medicine and has developed expertise in tissue rejuvenation through lifestyle modifications, exercise prescription, and ultrasound-guided regenerative procedures. These include treatments such as Autologous Whole Blood, Autologous Plasma, PRP, Hyaluronic Acid, and Dextrose prolotherapy.

With a strong focus on both sports and non-sports-related conditions, Dr. Shimas provides expert diagnosis and management for a wide range of musculoskeletal issues, including problems with the wrist and hand, elbow, shoulder, knee, ankle, pelvis, and spine. His particular area of interest lies in sports injuries and performance. He specializes in designing individualized rehabilitation programs and reconditioning plans, particularly for those recovering from disability or extended periods of inactivity caused by complex surgeries, injuries, or prolonged hospital stays.

Field of Expertise

Dr. Salih is skilled in managing musculoskeletal complaints affecting the neck, back, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands, hips, pelvis, knees, and ankles. He provides a comprehensive, one-stop clinic where he conducts diagnostic musculoskeletal ultrasound in his own practice. In addition to this, he performs a wide range of minimally invasive interventional procedures under ultrasound guidance. These include treatments for joint osteoarthritis, tendon pathology, muscle strain, prolotherapy, and interfacial hydrodissection for chronic back and neck pain. He also performs trigger point injections, plantar fascia injections, and joint injections for the hip, knee, shoulder, ankle, hand, and wrist.

Dr. Salih’s expertise extends to other advanced procedures, such as ultrasound-guided hydro-dilatation for shoulder adhesive capsulitis, nerve blocks for chronic regional pain, barbotage for calcific tendinopathy of the shoulder, facet joint injections, and inter-fascial hydro-dissection for chronic soft tissue and back pain. He also specializes in Botox injections for spasticity, dystonia, and sialorrhea, as well as compartment pressure measurements for exertional compartment syndrome.

Awards & Accreditations

  • Bachelor’s degree in Medicine and Surgery, MBChB, Al-Anbar University, Iraq
  • Member of the Royal College of General Practitioners (MRCGP), London, United Kingdom
  • British Board Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) in Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine, United Kingdom
  • Fellowship of the European Board of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (EBPRM)
  • International Certificate of Achievement, The American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (AAPM&R)
  • Clinical Supervisor Certificate, Edge Hill University, United Kingdom
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Musculoskeletal Medicine (Dip. MSK), Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Musculoskeletal Medicine, British Society of Musculoskeletal Medicine, DIP-SOMM, United Kingdom
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Football Medicine, International Federation of Association Football (FIFA)
  • Membership Exams of the British Society of Musculoskeletal Medicine (MSOMM), United Kingdom
  • Member of the British Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (BSRM), United Kingdom
  • Diplomate Member of the British Faculty of Sports and Exercise Medicine, United Kingdom (DFSEM)
  • Member of the British Association of Sports and Exercise Medicine, United Kingdom (BASEM)
  • Fellowship in Musculoskeletal Ultrasound, England, United Kingdom
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Exercise Medicine, Faculty of Sports and Exercise Medicine, United Kingdom
  • Diplomate Member of the American Board of Regenerative Medicine (DABRM)

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